Let's walk together to secure the future
Baitul Kuddus and Kabir Real Estate Ltd. (BKKRL) has a nice history in its beginning part, actually we started the journey at the year of 2019. Everything was slated to lunge the company but, in the meantime, a big pandemic hits the world very seriously the result is very much known to all. So, we didn’t block ourselves moreover we started our homework to meet the goal and after the pandemic we start our official journey from the year 2023 by the grace of almighty Allah. The company has been started with a vision to serve self-dependent & visionary people of Bangladesh for their huge accommodation demand. The mission keeping in mind to reduce the problem we started many residential projects already. Beside of this the company has been formatted to create employment opportunities for reliable creative people. That’s why we always welcome honest & loyal people to meet us to work together as a partner.
We have a mission to be a Brand company in Dhaka city within the year of 2025. To do so we are increasing our projects, to ensure the quality of works various professional people are incorporating in office every day to work together.
We have a strong feeling for our “PROBASHI BANGLADESHI” very soon we are going to open a one window service section at our office named “PROBASHI BANDHU SHANJOG” only to meet the needs of them, even we will help them out of the box if needed. Its already incorporated with our website and we are developing this part every day.
We are very hopeful on ward with a “sologan”
“Let’s walk together to secure the future”.
With best regard
Baitul Kuddus and Kabir Real Estate Ltd.